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Строка состояния

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В категории материалов: 12
Показано материалов: 1-12

Название Описание
StatusBar:SetValue(value) Sets the value of the status bar.
StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture(texture [, "layer"]) or StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture("filename" [, "layer"]) Sets the texture used for drawing the filled-in portion of the status bar.
StatusBar:SetStatusBarColor(red, green, blue [, alpha]) Sets the color shading for the status bar's texture.
StatusBar:SetRotatesTexture(rotate) Sets whether the status bar's texture is rotated to match its orientation.
StatusBar:SetOrientation("orientation") Sets the orientation of the status bar.
StatusBar:SetMinMaxValues(minValue, maxValue) Sets the minimum and maximum values of the status bar.
value = StatusBar:GetValue() Returns the current value of the status bar.
texture = StatusBar:GetStatusBarTexture() Returns the `Texture` object used for drawing the filled-in portion of the status bar.
red, green, blue, alpha = StatusBar:GetStatusBarColor() Returns the color shading used for the status bar's texture.
rotate = StatusBar:GetRotatesTexture() Returns whether the status bar's texture is rotated to match its orientation.
orientation = StatusBar:GetOrientation() Returns the orientation of the status bar.
minValue, maxValue = StatusBar:GetMinMaxValues() Returns the minimum and maximum values of the status bar.