Среда, 05.02.2025, 09:55
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Анимационные группы

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В категории материалов: 20
Показано материалов: 1-20

Название Описание
AnimationGroup:Stop() Stops animation of the group.
AnimationGroup:SetLooping("loopType") Sets the looping behavior of the group.
AnimationGroup:SetInitialOffset(x, y) Sets a static translation for the animated region.
AnimationGroup:SetIgnoreFramerateThrottle() Функция еще не задокументированна.
AnimationGroup:Play() Starts animating the group.
AnimationGroup:Pause() Pauses animation of the group.
playing = AnimationGroup:IsPlaying() Returns whether the group is playing.
isPending = AnimationGroup:IsPendingFinish() Returns whether or not the animation group is pending finish.
paused = AnimationGroup:IsPaused() Returns whether the group is paused.
done = AnimationGroup:IsDone() Returns whether the group has finished playing.
progress = AnimationGroup:GetProgress() Returns the current state of the animation group's progress.
maxOrder = AnimationGroup:GetMaxOrder() Returns the highest order amongst the animations in the group.
loopType = AnimationGroup:GetLooping() Returns the looping behavior of the group.
loopState = AnimationGroup:GetLoopState() Returns the current loop state of the group.
x, y = AnimationGroup:GetInitialOffset() Returns the starting static translation for the animated region.
AnimationGroup:GetIgnoreFramerateThrottle() Функция еще не задокументированна.
duration = AnimationGroup:GetDuration() Returns the duration of a single loop cycle for the group, as determined by its child animations.
... = AnimationGroup:GetAnimations() Returns a list of animations belonging to the group.
AnimationGroup:Finish() Causes animations within the group to complete and stop.
animation = AnimationGroup:CreateAnimation("animationType" [, "name" [, "inheritsFrom"]]) Creates an Animation as a child of this group.