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Название Описание
GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("unit", index [, "filter"]) Fills the tooltip with information about a debuff on a unit.
GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff("unit", index [, "filter"]) Fills the tooltip with information about a buff on a unit.
GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("unit", index [, "filter"]) Fills the tooltip with information about a buff or debuff on a unit.
GameTooltip:SetUnit("unit") Fills the tooltip with information about a unit.
GameTooltip:SetTrainerService(index) Fills the tooltip with information about a trainer service.
GameTooltip:SetTradeTargetItem(index) Fills the tooltip with information about an item offered for trade by the target.
GameTooltip:SetTradeSkillItem(skillIndex [, reagentIndex]) Fills the tooltip with information about an item created by a trade skill recipe or a reagent in the recipe.
GameTooltip:SetTradePlayerItem(index) Fills the tooltip with information about an item offered for trade by the player.
GameTooltip:SetTotem(slot) Fills the tooltip with information about one of the player's active totems.
GameTooltip:SetText("text" [, r [, g [, b [, a]]]]) Sets the tooltip's text.
GameTooltip:SetTalent(tabIndex, talentIndex, inspect, pet, talentGroup) Fills the tooltip with information about a talent.
GameTooltip:SetSpellByID(id) Fills the tooltip with information about a spell specified by ID.
GameTooltip:SetSpellBookItem() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:SetSocketedItem() Fills the tooltip with information about the item currently being socketed.
GameTooltip:SetSocketGem(index) Fills the tooltip with information about a gem added to a socket.
GameTooltip:SetShapeshift(index) Fills the tooltip with information about an ability on the stance/shapeshift bar.
GameTooltip:SetSendMailItem(slot) Fills the tooltip with information about an item attached to the outgoing mail message.
GameTooltip:SetReforgeItem() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:SetQuestRewardSpell() Fills the tooltip with information about the spell reward in a questgiver dialog.
GameTooltip:SetQuestLogSpecialItem(questIndex) Fills the tooltip with information about a usable item associated with a current quest.
GameTooltip:SetQuestLogRewardSpell() Fills the tooltip with information about the reward spell for the selected quest in the quest log.
GameTooltip:SetQuestLogItem("itemType", index) Fills the tooltip with information about an item related to the selected quest in the quest log.
GameTooltip:SetQuestLogCurrency() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:SetQuestItem("itemType", index) Fills the tooltip with information about an item in a questgiver dialog.
GameTooltip:SetQuestCurrency() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:SetPossession(index) Fills the tooltip with information about one of the special actions available while the player possesses another unit.
GameTooltip:SetPetAction(index) Fills the tooltip with information about a pet action.
GameTooltip:SetPadding(padding) Sets the amount of space between tooltip's text and its right-side edge.
GameTooltip:SetOwner(frame [, "anchorType" [, xOffset [, yOffset]]]) Sets the frame to which the tooltip refers and is anchored.
GameTooltip:SetMinimumWidth(width) Sets the minimum width of the tooltip.
GameTooltip:SetMerchantItem(merchantIndex) Fills the tooltip with information about an item available for purchase from a vendor.
GameTooltip:SetMerchantCostItem(index, currency) Fills the tooltip with information about an alternate currency required to purchase an item from a vendor.
GameTooltip:SetLootRollItem(id) Fills the tooltip with information about an item currently up for loot rolling.
GameTooltip:SetLootItem(slot) Fills the tooltip with information about an item available as loot.
GameTooltip:SetLootCurrency() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:SetLFGDungeonShortageReward() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:SetLFGDungeonReward() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:SetLFGCompletionReward() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:SetItemByID() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:SetInventoryItemByID() Функция еще не задокументированна.
hasItem, hasCooldown, repairCost = GameTooltip:SetInventoryItem("unit", slot [, nameOnly]) Fills the tooltip with information about an equipped item.
GameTooltip:SetInstanceLockEncountersComplete() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:SetInboxItem(mailID, attachmentIndex) Fills the tooltip with information about an item attached to a message in the player's inbox.
success = GameTooltip:SetHyperlinkCompareItem("hyperlink" [, index]) Fills the tooltip with information about the item currently equipped in the slot used the supplied item.
GameTooltip:SetHyperlink("hyperlink") Fills the tooltip with information about an item, quest, spell, or other entity represented by a hyperlink.
GameTooltip:SetGuildBankItem(tab, slot) Fills the tooltip with information about an item in the guild bank.
GameTooltip:SetGlyphByID() Функция еще не задокументированна.
GameTooltip:SetGlyph(socket, talentGroup) Fills the tooltip with information about one of the player's glyphs.
GameTooltip:SetFrameStack(includeHidden) Fills the tooltip with a list of frames under the mouse cursor.
GameTooltip:SetExistingSocketGem(index, toDestroy) Fills the tooltip with information about a permanently socketed gem.

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