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В категории материалов: 47
Показано материалов: 1-47

Название Описание
EditBox:ToggleInputLanguage() Switches the edit box's language input mode.
EditBox:SetTextInsets(left, right, top, bottom) Sets the insets from the edit box's edges which determine its interactive text area.
EditBox:SetText("text") Sets the edit box's text contents.
EditBox:SetPassword(enable) Sets whether the text entered in the edit box is masked.
EditBox:SetNumeric(enable) Sets whether the edit box only accepts numeric input.
EditBox:SetNumber(num) Sets the contents of the edit box to a number.
EditBox:SetMultiLine(multiLine) Sets whether the edit box shows more than one line of text.
EditBox:SetMaxLetters(maxLetters) Sets the maximum number of text characters allowed in the edit box.
EditBox:SetMaxBytes(maxBytes) Sets the maximum number of bytes of text allowed in the edit box.
EditBox:SetIndentedWordWrap(indent) Sets whether long lines of text are indented when wrapping.
EditBox:SetHyperlinksEnabled() Функция еще не задокументированна.
EditBox:SetHistoryLines(count) Sets the maximum number of history lines stored by the edit box.
EditBox:SetFocus() Focuses the edit box for keyboard input.
EditBox:SetCursorPosition(position) Sets the cursor position in the edit box.
EditBox:SetCountInvisibleLetters() Функция еще не задокументированна.
EditBox:SetBlinkSpeed(duration) Sets the rate at which the text insertion blinks when the edit box is focused.
EditBox:SetAutoFocus(enable) Sets whether the edit box automatically acquires keyboard input focus.
EditBox:SetAltArrowKeyMode(enable) Sets whether arrow keys are ignored by the edit box unless the Alt key is held.
enabled = EditBox:IsPassword() Returns whether the text entered in the edit box is masked.
enabled = EditBox:IsNumeric() Returns whether the edit box only accepts numeric input.
multiLine = EditBox:IsMultiLine() Returns whether the edit box shows more than one line of text.
enabled = EditBox:IsInIMECompositionMode() Returns whether the edit box is in Input Method Editor composition mode.
EditBox:IsEnabled() Функция еще не задокументированна.
EditBox:IsCountInvisibleLetters() Функция еще не задокументированна.
enabled = EditBox:IsAutoFocus() Returns whether the edit box automatically acquires keyboard input focus.
EditBox:Insert("text") Inserts text into the edit box at the current cursor position.
EditBox:HighlightText([start [, end]]) Selects all or a portion of the text in the edit box.
enabled = EditBox:HasFocus() Returns whether the edit box is currently focused for keyboard input.
position = EditBox:GetUTF8CursorPosition() Returns the cursor's numeric position in the edit box, taking UTF-8 multi-byte character into account.
left, right, top, bottom = EditBox:GetTextInsets() Returns the insets from the edit box's edges which determine its interactive text area.
text = EditBox:GetText() Returns the edit box's text contents.
num = EditBox:GetNumber() Returns the contents of the edit box as a number.
numLetters = EditBox:GetNumLetters() Returns the number of text characters in the edit box.
maxLetters = EditBox:GetMaxLetters() Returns the maximum number of text characters allowed in the edit box.
maxBytes = EditBox:GetMaxBytes() Returns the maximum number of bytes of text allowed in the edit box.
language = EditBox:GetInputLanguage() Returns the currently selected keyboard input language (character set / input method)
indent = EditBox:GetIndentedWordWrap() Returns whether long lines of text are indented when wrapping.
EditBox:GetHyperlinksEnabled() Функция еще не задокументированна.
count = EditBox:GetHistoryLines() Returns the maximum number of history lines stored by the edit box.
position = EditBox:GetCursorPosition() Returns the current cursor position inside edit box.
duration = EditBox:GetBlinkSpeed() Returns the rate at which the text insertion blinks when the edit box is focused.
enabled = EditBox:GetAltArrowKeyMode() Returns whether arrow keys are ignored by the edit box unless the Alt key is held.
EditBox:Enable() Функция еще не задокументированна.
EditBox:Disable() Функция еще не задокументированна.
EditBox:ClearHistory() Функция еще не задокументированна.
EditBox:ClearFocus() Releases keyboard input focus from the edit box.
EditBox:AddHistoryLine("text") Adds a line of text to the edit box's stored history.