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Название Описание
TabardModel:SetSequenceTime(sequence, time) Sets the animation sequence and time index to be used by the model.
TabardModel:SetSequence(sequence) Sets the animation sequence to be used by the model.
TabardModel:SetPosition(x, y, z) Sets the position of the 3D model within the frame.
TabardModel:SetModelScale(scale) Sets the scale factor determining the size at which the 3D model appears.
TabardModel:SetModel("filename") Sets the model file to be displayed.
TabardModel:SetLight(enabled, omni, dirX, dirY, dirZ, ambIntensity [, ambR [, ambG [, ambB [, dirIntensity [, dirR [, dirG [, dirB]]]]]]]) Sets properties of the light sources used when rendering the model.
TabardModel:SetGlow(amount) Sets the model's glow amount.
TabardModel:SetFogNear(distance) Sets the near clipping distance for the model's fog.
TabardModel:SetFogFar(distance) Sets the far clipping distance for the model's fog.
TabardModel:SetFogColor(red, green, blue) Sets the model's fog color, enabling fog display if disabled.
TabardModel:SetFacing(facing) Sets the model's current rotation.
TabardModel:SetCamera(index) Sets the view angle on the model to a pre-defined camera location.
TabardModel:ReplaceIconTexture("filename") Sets the icon texture used by the model.
x, y, z = TabardModel:GetPosition() Returns the position of the 3D model within the frame.
scale = TabardModel:GetModelScale() Returns the scale factor determining the size at which the 3D model appears.
filename = TabardModel:GetModel() Returns the model file currently displayed.
enabled, omni, dirX, dirY, dirZ, ambIntensity, ambR, ambG, ambB, dirIntensity, dirR, dirG, dirB = TabardModel:GetLight() Returns properties of the light sources used when rendering the model.
distance = TabardModel:GetFogNear() Returns the near clipping distance for the model's fog.
distance = TabardModel:GetFogFar() Returns the far clipping distance for the model's fog.
red, green, blue = TabardModel:GetFogColor() Returns the model's current fog color.
facing = TabardModel:GetFacing() Returns the model's current rotation setting.
TabardModel:ClearModel() Removes the 3D model currently displayed.
TabardModel:ClearFog() Disables fog display for the model.
TabardModel:AdvanceTime() Advances to the model's next animation frame.
PlayerModel:SetSequenceTime(sequence, time) Sets the animation sequence and time index to be used by the model.
PlayerModel:SetSequence(sequence) Sets the animation sequence to be used by the model.
PlayerModel:SetPosition(x, y, z) Sets the position of the 3D model within the frame.
PlayerModel:SetModelScale(scale) Sets the scale factor determining the size at which the 3D model appears.
PlayerModel:SetModel("filename") Sets the model file to be displayed.
PlayerModel:SetLight(enabled, omni, dirX, dirY, dirZ, ambIntensity [, ambR [, ambG [, ambB [, dirIntensity [, dirR [, dirG [, dirB]]]]]]]) Sets properties of the light sources used when rendering the model.
PlayerModel:SetGlow(amount) Sets the model's glow amount.
PlayerModel:SetFogNear(distance) Sets the near clipping distance for the model's fog.
PlayerModel:SetFogFar(distance) Sets the far clipping distance for the model's fog.
PlayerModel:SetFogColor(red, green, blue) Sets the model's fog color, enabling fog display if disabled.
PlayerModel:SetFacing(facing) Sets the model's current rotation.
PlayerModel:SetCamera(index) Sets the view angle on the model to a pre-defined camera location.
PlayerModel:ReplaceIconTexture("filename") Sets the icon texture used by the model.
x, y, z = PlayerModel:GetPosition() Returns the position of the 3D model within the frame.
scale = PlayerModel:GetModelScale() Returns the scale factor determining the size at which the 3D model appears.
filename = PlayerModel:GetModel() Returns the model file currently displayed.
enabled, omni, dirX, dirY, dirZ, ambIntensity, ambR, ambG, ambB, dirIntensity, dirR, dirG, dirB = PlayerModel:GetLight() Returns properties of the light sources used when rendering the model.
distance = PlayerModel:GetFogNear() Returns the near clipping distance for the model's fog.
distance = PlayerModel:GetFogFar() Returns the far clipping distance for the model's fog.
red, green, blue = PlayerModel:GetFogColor() Returns the model's current fog color.
facing = PlayerModel:GetFacing() Returns the model's current rotation setting.
PlayerModel:ClearModel() Removes the 3D model currently displayed.
PlayerModel:ClearFog() Disables fog display for the model.
PlayerModel:AdvanceTime() Advances to the model's next animation frame.
Model:SetSequenceTime(sequence, time) Sets the animation sequence and time index to be used by the model.
Model:SetSequence(sequence) Sets the animation sequence to be used by the model.

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