Суббота, 27.07.2024, 10:51
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Родительский объект

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В категории материалов: 35
Показано материалов: 1-35

Название Описание
parent = VisibleRegion:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Translation:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Texture:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = TabardModel:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = StatusBar:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Slider:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = SimpleHTML:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = ScrollingMessageFrame:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = ScrollFrame:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Scale:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Rotation:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Region:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = QuestPOIFrame:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = PlayerModel:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Path:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = ParentedObject:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = MovieFrame:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Model:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Minimap:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = MessageFrame:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = LayeredRegion:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = GameTooltip:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Frame:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = FontString:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = EditBox:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = DressUpModel:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Cooldown:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = ControlPoint:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = ColorSelect:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = CheckButton:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Button:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = AnimationGroup:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Animation:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.
parent = Alpha:GetParent() Returns the object's parent object.