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В категории материалов: 9
Показано материалов: 1-9

Название Описание
ScrollFrame:UpdateScrollChildRect() Updates the position of the scroll frame's child.
ScrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(scroll) Sets the scroll frame's vertical scroll position.
ScrollFrame:SetScrollChild(frame) Sets the scroll child for the scroll frame.
ScrollFrame:SetHorizontalScroll(scroll) Sets the scroll frame's horizontal scroll position.
maxScroll = ScrollFrame:GetVerticalScrollRange() Returns the scroll frame's maximum vertical (bottom) scroll position.
scroll = ScrollFrame:GetVerticalScroll() Returns the scroll frame's current vertical scroll position.
scrollChild = ScrollFrame:GetScrollChild() Returns the frame scrolled by the scroll frame.
maxScroll = ScrollFrame:GetHorizontalScrollRange() Returns the scroll frame's maximum horizontal (rightmost) scroll position.
scroll = ScrollFrame:GetHorizontalScroll() Returns the scroll frame's current horizontal scroll position.