Sets whether the frame's depth property is ignored (for stereoscopic 3D setups)
region = ColorSelect:GetTitleRegion()
Returns the frame's TitleRegion object.
scale = ColorSelect:GetScale()
Returns the frame's scale factor.
... = ColorSelect:GetRegions()
Returns a list of non-Frame child regions belonging to the frame.
numRegions = ColorSelect:GetNumRegions()
Returns the number of non-Frame child regions belonging to the frame.
numChildren = ColorSelect:GetNumChildren()
Returns the number of child frames belonging to the frame.
minWidth, minHeight = ColorSelect:GetMinResize()
Returns the minimum size of the frame for user resizing.
maxWidth, maxHeight = ColorSelect:GetMaxResize()
Returns the maximum size of the frame for user resizing.
id = ColorSelect:GetID()
Returns the frame's numeric identifier.
left, right, top, bottom = ColorSelect:GetHitRectInsets()
Returns the insets from the frame's edges which determine its mouse-interactable area.
strata = ColorSelect:GetFrameStrata()
Returns the general layering strata of the frame.
level = ColorSelect:GetFrameLevel()
Sets the level at which the frame is layered relative to others in its strata.
scale = ColorSelect:GetEffectiveScale()
Returns the overall scale factor of the frame.
depth = ColorSelect:GetEffectiveDepth()
Returns the overall 3D depth of the frame (for stereoscopic 3D configurations)
alpha = ColorSelect:GetEffectiveAlpha()
Returns the overall opacity of the frame.
Функция еще не задокументированна.
depth = ColorSelect:GetDepth()
Returns the 3D depth of the frame (for stereoscopic 3D setups)
left, right, top, bottom = ColorSelect:GetClampRectInsets()
Returns offsets from the frame's edges used when limiting user movement or resizing of the frame.
... = ColorSelect:GetChildren()
Returns a list of child frames of the frame.
left, bottom, width, height = ColorSelect:GetBoundsRect()
Returns the position and dimension of the smallest area enclosing the frame and its children.
red, green, blue, alpha = ColorSelect:GetBackdropColor()
Returns the shading color for the frame's background graphic.
backdrop = ColorSelect:GetBackdrop()
Returns information about the frame's backdrop graphic.
value = ColorSelect:GetAttribute("name")
Returns the value of a secure frame attribute.
Enables or disables mouse wheel interactivity for the frame.
Enables or disables mouse interactivity for the frame.
Enables or disables keyboard interactivity for the frame.
Enables or disables joystick interactivity.
Allows display of all child objects of the frame on a specified graphics layer.
Prevents display of all child objects of the frame on a specified graphics layer.
region = ColorSelect:CreateTitleRegion()
Creates a title region for dragging the frame.
fontstring = ColorSelect:CreateFontString(["name" [, "layer" [, "inherits"]]])
Creates a new [[docs/widgets/FontString`FontString`]] as a child of the frame.
enabled = ColorSelect:CanChangeAttribute()
Returns whether secure frame attributes can currently be changed.
Temporarily allows insecure code to modify the frame's attributes during combat.
Unregisters the frame for an event.
Unregisters the frame from any [[docs/eventsevents]] for which it is registered.
Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving`:StartMoving()`]] or [[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing`:StartSizing()`]]
Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement.
Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement.
Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions.
Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked.
Sets the frame's scale factor.
Sets whether the frame can be resized by the user.
Sets whether the frame can be moved by the user.
CheckButton:SetMinResize(minWidth, minHeight)
Sets the minimum size of the frame for user resizing.
CheckButton:SetMaxResize(maxWidth, maxHeight)
Sets the maximum size of the frame for user resizing.
Sets a numeric identifier for the frame.