Среда, 05.02.2025, 12:54
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TabardModel:SetLight(enabled, omni, dirX, dirY, dirZ, ambIntensity [, ambR [, ambG [, ambB [, dirIntensity [, dirR [, dirG [, dirB]]]]]]])

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Sets properties of the light sources used when rendering the model.
Sets properties of the light sources used when rendering the model.

Model:SetLight(enabled, omni, dirX, dirY, dirZ, ambIntensity [, ambR [, ambG [, ambB [, dirIntensity [, dirR [, dirG [, dirB]]]]]]])

  • enabled - 1 if lighting is enabled; otherwise nil (1nil)
  • omni - 1 if omnidirectional lighting is enabled; otherwise 0 (number)
  • dirX - Coordinate of the directional light in the axis perpendicular to the screen (negative values place the light in front of the model, positive values behind) (number)
  • dirY - Coordinate of the directional light in the horizontal axis (negative values place the light to the left of the model, positive values to the right) (number)
  • dirZ - Coordinate of the directional light in the vertical axis (negative values place the light below the model, positive values above (number)
  • ambIntensity - Intensity of the ambient light (0.0 - 1.0) (number)
  • ambR - Red component of the ambient light color (0.0 - 1.0); omitted if ambIntensity is 0 (number)
  • ambG - Green component of the ambient light color (0.0 - 1.0); omitted if ambIntensity is 0 (number)
  • ambB - Blue component of the ambient light color (0.0 - 1.0); omitted if ambIntensity is 0 (number)
  • dirIntensity - Intensity of the directional light (0.0 - 1.0) (number)
  • dirR - Red component of the directional light color (0.0 - 1.0); omitted if dirIntensity is 0 (number)
  • dirG - Green component of the directional light color (0.0 - 1.0); omitted if dirIntensity is 0 (number)
  • dirB - Blue component of the directional light color (0.0 - 1.0); omitted if dirIntensity is 0 (number)

Также смотрите: Модель