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Игровые события

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В категории материалов: 679
Показано материалов: 351-400
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Название Описание
LFG_PROPOSAL_SUCCEEDED Fires when an LFD group was successfully formed.
LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW Fires when the LFD system has found a possible group.
LFG_PROPOSAL_FAILED This event is not yet documented.
LFG_OPEN_FROM_GOSSIP This event is not yet documented.
LFG_OFFER_CONTINUE This event is not yet documented.
LFG_LOCK_INFO_RECEIVED This event is not yet documented.
LFG_COMPLETION_REWARD Fires when the player receives the completion reward for a randoms LFG dungeon.
LFG_BOOT_PROPOSAL_UPDATE This event is not yet documented.
LEVEL_GRANT_PROPOSED Fires when the player is offered to instantly gain a level thanks to a Recruit-A-Friend partner.
LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB Fires when a spell is learned inside of a given spell book tab, including when spells are learned upon changing the active talent spec.
LANGUAGE_LIST_CHANGED Fires when the list of known languages changes.
KNOWN_TITLES_UPDATE Fires when the number of titles available to the player changes.
KNOWLEDGE_BASE_SYSTEM_MOTD_UPDATED Fires when the knowledge base system's message of the day changes or becomes available.
KNOWLEDGE_BASE_SETUP_LOAD_SUCCESS Fires when the knowledge base's default listing becomes available.
KNOWLEDGE_BASE_SETUP_LOAD_FAILURE Fires when the knowledge base's default listing fails to load.
KNOWLEDGE_BASE_SERVER_MESSAGE Fires when the knowledge base server message changes or becomes available.
KNOWLEDGE_BASE_QUERY_LOAD_SUCCESS Fires when results of a successful knowledge base query become available.
KNOWLEDGE_BASE_QUERY_LOAD_FAILURE Fires when a knowledge base query fails.
KNOWLEDGE_BASE_ARTICLE_LOAD_SUCCESS Fires when the contents of a successfully loaded knowledge base article become available.
KNOWLEDGE_BASE_ARTICLE_LOAD_FAILURE Fires when a knowledge base article fails to load.
ITEM_UNLOCKED Fires when an item in the player's bags or equipped inventory is unlocked after moving.
ITEM_TEXT_TRANSLATION Fires when a "translation" progress bar should be displayed while the player interacts with a readable item or world object.
ITEM_TEXT_READY Fires when text changes or becomes available for the readable item or world object with which the player is interacting.
ITEM_TEXT_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with a readable item or world object.
ITEM_TEXT_BEGIN Fires when the player begins interaction with a readable item or world object.
ITEM_PUSH Fires when the player receives an item.
ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED Fires when an item in the player's bags or equipped inventory is locked for moving or unlocked afterward.
ITEM_LOCKED Fires when an item in the player's bags or equipped inventory is locked for moving.
INSTANCE_LOCK_WARNING This event is not yet documented.
INSTANCE_LOCK_STOP Fires when the warning countdown for saving the player to an instance is canceled.
INSTANCE_LOCK_START Fires when the player will soon be saved to an instance.
INSTANCE_ENCOUNTER_ENGAGE_UNIT Fires when a boss has been engaged in an instance.
INSTANCE_BOOT_STOP Fires when the warning countdown for ejecting the player from an instance is canceled.
INSTANCE_BOOT_START Fires when the player will soon be ejected from an instance.
INSPECT_READY Fires when inspect information not readily available is now ready.
INSPECT_HONOR_UPDATE Fires when information about the inspected unit's PvP activities becomes available.
INSPECT_ACHIEVEMENT_READY Fires after the player attempts to compare achievements with another character, indicating that achievement information for the other unit has become available.
INCOMING_RESURRECT_CHANGED This event is not yet documented.
IGR_BILLING_NAG_DIALOG Fires when a message should be shown about the player's paid-per-hour game time expiring soon.
IGNORELIST_UPDATE Fires when the content of the player's ignore list becomes available or changes.
GUILD_XP_UPDATE Fires when the Guild XP is updated.
GUILD_TRADESKILL_UPDATE This event is not yet documented.
GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE Fires when new information about the contents of the guild roster is available.
GUILD_REWARDS_LIST This event is not yet documented.
GUILD_REP_UPDATED This event is not yet documented.
GUILD_REGISTRAR_SHOW Fires when the player begins interaction with a guild registrar.
GUILD_REGISTRAR_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with a guild registrar.
GUILD_RECIPE_KNOWN_BY_MEMBERS This event is not yet documented.
GUILD_RANKS_UPDATE Fires when unit is promoted or demoted within the guild.
GUILD_PERK_UPDATE Fires when the guild gains or loses a perk.