Среда, 05.02.2025, 09:05
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Игровые события

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В категории материалов: 679
Показано материалов: 601-650
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Название Описание
BN_FRIEND_ACCOUNT_OFFLINE Fires when one of your RealID friends logs off.
BN_DISCONNECTED Fires when the player disconnects from
BN_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_LOADED This event is not yet documented.
BN_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_CHANGED Fires when the player's custom message (broadcast) is changed.
BN_CONNECTED Fires when the player connects to
BN_CHAT_WHISPER_UNDELIVERABLE This event is not yet documented.
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_UNDELIVERABLE This event is not yet documented.
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_BLOCKED This event is not yet documented.
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_UPDATED This event is not yet documented.
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_LEFT This event is not yet documented.
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_JOINED This event is not yet documented.
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_LEFT This event is not yet documented.
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_JOINED This event is not yet documented.
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_INVITE_SUCCEEDED This event is not yet documented.
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_INVITE_FAILED This event is not yet documented.
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_CREATE_SUCCEEDED This event is not yet documented.
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_CREATE_FAILED This event is not yet documented.
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_CLOSED This event is not yet documented.
BN_BLOCK_LIST_UPDATED This event is not yet documented.
BN_BLOCK_FAILED_TOO_MANY This event is not yet documented.
BIND_ENCHANT Fires when the player attempts to an enchant an item which will become soulbound in the process.
BILLING_NAG_DIALOG Fires when a message should be shown about the player's paid game time expiring soon.
BATTLEFIELD_QUEUE_TIMEOUT Fires when a battleground queue expires.
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_STATE_CHANGE Fires when the player's state changes in the queue for a world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_QUEUE_REQUEST_RESPONSE Fires in response to the player's attempt to enter or queue for a world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_QUEUE_INVITE Fires when the player is invited to queue for a world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_ENTRY_INVITE Fires when the player is invited to enter a queued world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_ENTERED Fires when the player has been accepted into a queued world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_EJECT_PENDING Fires when the player will be removed from or cannot yet enter a queued world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_EJECTED Fires when the player has been removed from a queued world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp)
BATTLEFIELDS_SHOW Fires when the UI becomes available for queueing for an arena or specific battleground instance.
BATTLEFIELDS_CLOSED Fires when the UI is no longer available for queueing for an arena or specific battleground instance.
BARBER_SHOP_SUCCESS Fires immediately when changes to the player's appearance have been purchased at a barber shop.
BARBER_SHOP_OPEN Fires when the player begins interaction with a barber shop.
BARBER_SHOP_CLOSE Fires when the player ends interaction with a barber shop.
BARBER_SHOP_APPEARANCE_APPLIED Fires after changes to the player's appearance have been purchased at a barber shop.
BANKFRAME_OPENED Fires when the player begins interaction with a bank.
BANKFRAME_CLOSED Fires when the player ends interaction with a bank.
BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN Fires when the cooldown begins or ends for an item in one of the player's containers.
BAG_UPDATE Fires when the contents of one of the player's containers change.
BAG_OPEN Fires when one of the player's containers is opened.
BAG_CLOSED Fires when one of the player's containers is closed.
AUTOFOLLOW_END Fires when the player stops following another character.
AUTOFOLLOW_BEGIN Fires when the player starts following another character.
AUTOEQUIP_BIND_CONFIRM Fires when the player attempts to equip an item which will become soulbound in the process.
AUCTION_OWNED_LIST_UPDATE Fires when information becomes available or changes for the list of auctions placed by the player.
AUCTION_MULTISELL_UPDATE Fires when one of the auctions in an auction house multisell has successfully been created.
AUCTION_MULTISELL_START Fires when the player starts a multisell in the auction house.
AUCTION_MULTISELL_FAILURE Fires when an auction house multisell could not complete for any reason.
AUCTION_ITEM_LIST_UPDATE Fires when the information becomes available for the list of auction browse/search results.