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Событий API Виджетов

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Название Описание
PreClick Run immediately before the button's `OnClick` handler with the same arguments.
PostClick Run immediately following the button's `OnClick` handler with the same arguments.
OnVerticalScroll Run when the scroll frame's vertical scroll position changes.
OnValueChanged Run when the slider's or status bar's value changes.
OnUpdateModel Run when a model changes or animates.
OnUpdate Run each time the screen is drawn by the game engine.
OnTooltipSetUnit Run when the tooltip is filled with information about a unit.
OnTooltipSetSpell Run when the tooltip is filled with information about a spell.
OnTooltipSetQuest Run when the tooltip is filled with information about a quest.
OnTooltipSetItem Run when the tooltip is filled with information about an item.
OnTooltipSetFrameStack Run when the tooltip is filled with a list of frames under the mouse cursor.
OnTooltipSetEquipmentSet Run when the tooltip is filled with information about an equipment set.
OnTooltipSetDefaultAnchor Run when the tooltip is repositioned to its default anchor location.
OnTooltipSetAchievement Run when the tooltip is filled with information about an achievement.
OnTooltipCleared Run when the tooltip is hidden or its content is cleared.
OnTooltipAddMoney Run when an amount of money should be added to the tooltip.
OnTextSet Run when the edit box's text is set programmatically.
OnTextChanged Run when the edit box's text is changed.
OnTabPressed Run when the Tab key is pressed while the edit box has keyboard focus.
OnStop Run when the animation (or animation group) is stopped.
OnSpacePressed Run when the space bar is pressed while the edit box has keyboard focus.
OnSizeChanged Run when a frame's size changes.
OnShow Run when the frame becomes visible.
OnScrollRangeChanged Run when the scroll frame's scroll position is changed.
OnReceiveDrag Run when the mouse button is released after dragging into the frame.
OnPlay Run when the animation (or animation group) begins to play.
OnPause Run when the animation (or animation group) is paused.
OnMovieShowSubtitle Runs when a subtitle for the playing movie should be displayed.
OnMovieHideSubtitle Runs when the movie's most recently displayed subtitle should be hidden.
OnMovieFinished Run when a movie frame's movie ends.
OnMouseWheel Run when the frame receives a mouse wheel scrolling action.
OnMouseUp Run when the mouse button is released following a mouse down action in the frame.
OnMouseDown Run when a mouse button is pressed while the cursor is over the frame.
OnMinMaxChanged Run when the slider's or status bar's minimum and maximum values change.
OnMessageScrollChanged Run when the scrolling message frame's scroll position changes.
OnLoop Run when the animation group's loop state changes.
OnLoad Run when the frame is created.
OnLeave Run when the mouse cursor leaves the frame's interactive area.
OnKeyUp Run when a keyboard key is released if the frame is keyboard enabled.
OnKeyDown Run when a keyboard key is pressed if the frame is keyboard enabled.
OnInputLanguageChanged Run when the edit box's language input mode changes.
OnHyperlinkLeave Run when the mouse moves away from a hyperlink in the scrolling message frame or SimpleHTML frame.
OnHyperlinkEnter Run when the mouse moves over a hyperlink in the scrolling message frame or SimpleHTML frame.
OnHyperlinkClick Run when the mouse clicks a hyperlink in the scrolling message frame or SimpleHTML frame.
OnHorizontalScroll Run when the scroll frame's horizontal scroll position changes.
OnHide Run when the frame's visbility changes to hidden.
OnFinished Run when the animation (or animation group) finishes animating.
OnEvent Run whenever an [[docs/eventsevent]] fires for which the frame is registered.
OnEscapePressed Run when the Escape key is pressed while the edit box has keyboard focus.
OnEnterPressed Run when the Enter (or Return) key is pressed while the edit box has keyboard focus.

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