Четверг, 16.05.2024, 22:10
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Fires when a target icon message is sent in chat.
Fires when a target icon message is sent in chat.

message, sender, language, channelString, target, flags, unknown, channelNumber, channelName, unknown, counter = ()

  • message - The message that was received (string)
  • sender - The sender's username. (string)
  • language - The language the message is in. (string)
  • channelString - The full name of the channel, including number. (string)
  • target - The username of the target of the action. Not used by all events. (string)
  • flags - The various chat flags. Like, DND or AFK. (string)
  • unknown - This variable has an unkown purpose, although it may be some sort of internal channel id. That however is not confirmed. (number)
  • channelNumber - The numeric ID of the channel. (number)
  • channelName - The full name of the channel, does not include the number. (string)
  • unknown - This variable has an unkown purpose although it always seems to be 0. (number)
  • counter - This variable appears to be a counter of chat events that the client recieves. (number)

Также смотрите: Игровые события