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Название Описание
enabled = Button:IsEnabled() Returns whether user interaction with the button is allowed.
width = Button:GetTextWidth() Returns the width of the button's text label.
height = Button:GetTextHeight() Returns the height of the button's text label.
text = Button:GetText() Returns the text of the button's label.
texture = Button:GetPushedTexture() Returns the texture used when the button is pushed.
x, y = Button:GetPushedTextOffset() Returns the offset for moving the button's label text when pushed.
texture = Button:GetNormalTexture() Returns the texture used for the button's normal state.
font = Button:GetNormalFontObject() Returns the font object used for the button's normal state.
isEnabled = Button:GetMotionScriptsWhileDisabled() Determines whether [[docs/scripts/OnEnterOnEnter]]/[[docs/scripts/OnLeaveOnLeave]] scripts will fire while the button is disabled.
texture = Button:GetHighlightTexture() Returns the texture used when the button is highlighted.
font = Button:GetHighlightFontObject() Returns the font object used when the button is highlighted.
fontstring = Button:GetFontString() Returns the `FontString` object used for the button's label text.
texture = Button:GetDisabledTexture() Returns the texture used when the button is disabled.
font = Button:GetDisabledFontObject() Returns the font object used for the button's disabled state.
state = Button:GetButtonState() Returns the button's current state.
Button:Enable() Allows user interaction with the button.
Button:Disable() Disallows user interaction with the button.
Button:Click("button", down) Performs a (virtual) mouse click on the button.

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