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В категории материалов: 150
Показано материалов: 51-100
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Название Описание
Rotation:Stop() Stops the animation.
Rotation:SetStartDelay(delay) Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay before its progress begins.
Rotation:SetSmoothing("smoothType") Sets the smoothing type for the animation.
Rotation:SetSmoothProgress() Функция еще не задокументированна.
Rotation:SetParent(animGroup) or Rotation:SetParent("animGroupName") Sets the parent for the animation.
Rotation:SetOrder(order) Sets the order for the animation to play within its parent group.
Rotation:SetEndDelay(delay) Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay after finishing.
Rotation:SetDuration(duration) Sets the time for the animation to progress from start to finish.
Rotation:Play() Plays the animation.
Rotation:Pause() Pauses the animation.
stopped = Rotation:IsStopped() Returns whether the animation is currently stopped.
playing = Rotation:IsPlaying() Returns whether the animation is currently playing.
paused = Rotation:IsPaused() Returns whether the animation is currently paused.
done = Rotation:IsDone() Returns whether the animation has finished playing.
delaying = Rotation:IsDelaying() Returns whether the animation is currently in the middle of a start or end delay.
delay = Rotation:GetStartDelay() Returns the amount of time the animation delays before its progress begins.
smoothType = Rotation:GetSmoothing() Returns the smoothing type for the animation.
progress = Rotation:GetSmoothProgress() Returns the progress of the animation (ignoring start and end delay)
region = Rotation:GetRegionParent() Returns the `Region` object on which the animation operates.
progress = Rotation:GetProgressWithDelay() Returns the progress of the animation and associated delays.
progress = Rotation:GetProgress() Returns the progress of an animation, ignoring smoothing effects.
order = Rotation:GetOrder() Returns the order of the animation within its parent group.
delay = Rotation:GetEndDelay() Returns the amount of time the animation delays after finishing.
elapsed = Rotation:GetElapsed() Returns the amount of time since the animation began playing.
duration = Rotation:GetDuration() Returns the time for the animation to progress from start to finish.
Path:Stop() Stops the animation.
Path:SetStartDelay(delay) Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay before its progress begins.
Path:SetSmoothing("smoothType") Sets the smoothing type for the animation.
Path:SetSmoothProgress() Функция еще не задокументированна.
Path:SetParent(animGroup) or Path:SetParent("animGroupName") Sets the parent for the animation.
Path:SetOrder(order) Sets the order for the animation to play within its parent group.
Path:SetEndDelay(delay) Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay after finishing.
Path:SetDuration(duration) Sets the time for the animation to progress from start to finish.
Path:Play() Plays the animation.
Path:Pause() Pauses the animation.
stopped = Path:IsStopped() Returns whether the animation is currently stopped.
playing = Path:IsPlaying() Returns whether the animation is currently playing.
paused = Path:IsPaused() Returns whether the animation is currently paused.
done = Path:IsDone() Returns whether the animation has finished playing.
delaying = Path:IsDelaying() Returns whether the animation is currently in the middle of a start or end delay.
delay = Path:GetStartDelay() Returns the amount of time the animation delays before its progress begins.
smoothType = Path:GetSmoothing() Returns the smoothing type for the animation.
progress = Path:GetSmoothProgress() Returns the progress of the animation (ignoring start and end delay)
region = Path:GetRegionParent() Returns the `Region` object on which the animation operates.
progress = Path:GetProgressWithDelay() Returns the progress of the animation and associated delays.
progress = Path:GetProgress() Returns the progress of an animation, ignoring smoothing effects.
order = Path:GetOrder() Returns the order of the animation within its parent group.
delay = Path:GetEndDelay() Returns the amount of time the animation delays after finishing.
elapsed = Path:GetElapsed() Returns the amount of time since the animation began playing.
duration = Path:GetDuration() Returns the time for the animation to progress from start to finish.

1-50 51-100 101-150