Plays a specified movie in the frame. Note: Size and position of the movie display is unaffected by that of the MovieFrame -- movies are automatically centered and sized proportionally to fill the screen in their largest dimension (i.e. a widescreen movie will fill the width of the screen but not necessarily its full height).
filename - Path to a movie file (excluding filename extension) (string)
volume - Audio volume for movie playback (0 = minimum, 255 = maximum) (number)
enabled - 1 if a valid movie was loaded and playback begun; otherwise nil (1nil)
Examples: -- create a MovieFrame and play the Blizzard logo intro movie bundled with the game CreateFrame("MovieFrame","MiniMovie",UIParent) MiniMovie:StartMovie("Interface\Cinematics\Logo_1024",255)
-- play a XviD-encoded AVI movie bundled with an addon MiniMovie:StartMovie("Interface\AddOns\MyAddon\MyMovie",255)