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В категории материалов: 137
Показано материалов: 101-137
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Название Описание
ExpandQuestHeader Expands a quest header in the quest log.
DeclineQuest Declines a quest.
ConfirmAcceptQuest Accepts a quest started by another group member.
CompleteQuest Begins turning in a quest to a questgiver.
CollapseQuestHeader Collapses a header in the quest log.
CloseQuest Ends interaction with a questgiver.
AddQuestWatch Adds a quest to the objectives tracker.
AcceptQuest Accepts the quest offered by a questgiver.
AbandonQuest Confirms abandoning a quest.
RequestPVPOptionsEnabled Функция еще не задокументированна.
QuestFlagsPVP Returns whether accepting the offered quest will flag the player for PvP.
GetWorldStateUIInfo Returns information about a world state UI element.
GetNumWorldStateUI Returns the number of world state UI elements.
GetQuestLogRewardTitle Returns the title reward for the selected quest in the quest log.
UseQuestLogSpecialItem Uses the item associated with a current quest.
SortQuestWatches Sorts the quests listed in the watch frame based on the set criteria.
RemoveQuestWatch Removes a quest from the objectives tracker.
IsQuestWatched Returns whether a quest from the quest log is listed in the objectives tracker.
IsQuestLogSpecialItemInRange Returns whether the player's target is in range for using an item associated with a current quest.
GetQuestWatchIndex Returns the quest watch (objective tracker) index of a quest in the quest log.
GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo Returns information about a usable item associated with a current quest.
GetQuestLogSpecialItemCooldown Returns cooldown information about an item associated with a current quest.
GetQuestIndexForWatch Returns the quest log index of a quest in the objectives tracker.
GetNumQuestWatches Returns the number of quests included in the objectives tracker.
AddQuestWatch Adds a quest to the objectives tracker.
GetNumGossipAvailableQuests Returns the number of quests available from the current Gossip NPC.
GetNumGossipActiveQuests Returns the number of quests which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC.
GetGossipAvailableQuests Returns a list of quests available from the current Gossip NPC.
GetGossipActiveQuests Returns a list of quests which can be turned in to the current Gossip NPC.
GetQuestLogRewardMoney Returns the money reward for the selected quest in the quest log.
GetQuestLogRequiredMoney Returns the amount of money required for the selected quest in the quest log.
GetWorldStateUIInfo Returns information about a world state UI element.
GetNumWorldStateUI Returns the number of world state UI elements.
GetQuestLogItemLink Returns a hyperlink for an item related to the selected quest in the quest log.
GetQuestLink Returns a hyperlink for an entry in the player's quest log.
GetQuestItemLink Returns a hyperlink for an item in a questgiver dialog.
GetRewardXP Returns the experience awarded when completing a quest.

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