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Юнит (Unit)

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В категории материалов: 147
Показано материалов: 101-147
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Название Описание
UnitPlayerOrPetInParty Returns whether a unit is in the player's party or belongs to a party member.
UnitIsPartyLeader Returns whether a unit is the leader of the player's party.
UnitInParty Returns whether a unit is a player unit in the player's party.
UnitIsInMyGuild Returns whether a unit is in the player's guild.
UnitGetGuildXP Returns information about a unit's guild experience.
CommentatorZoomOut This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorZoomIn This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorUpdatePlayerInfo This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorUpdateMapInfo This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorToggleMode This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorStartSkirmishMatch This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorStartInstance This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorSetTargetHeightOffset This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorSetSkirmishMatchmakingMode This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorSetPlayerIndex This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorSetMoveSpeed This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorSetMode This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorSetMapAndInstanceIndex This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorSetCameraCollision This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorSetCamera This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorSetBattlemaster This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorRequestSkirmishQueueData This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorRequestSkirmishMode This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorRemovePlayer This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorLookatPlayer This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorGetSkirmishQueuePlayerInfo This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorGetSkirmishQueueCount This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorGetSkirmishMode This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorGetPlayerInfo This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorGetNumPlayers This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorGetNumMaps This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorGetMode This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorGetMapInfo This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorGetInstanceInfo This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorGetCurrentMapID This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorGetCamera This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorFollowPlayer This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorExitInstance This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorEnterInstance This is a Blizzard internal function.
CommentatorAddPlayer This is a Blizzard internal function.
UnitGUID Returns a unit's globally unique identifier.
UnitAffectingCombat Returns whether a unit is currently in combat.
GetCVar Returns the value of a configuration variable.
UnitDebuff Returns information about a debuff on a unit.
UnitBuff Returns information about a buff on a unit.
UnitAura Returns information about buffs/debuffs on a unit.
UnitExists Returns whether a unit exists

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