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Юнит (Unit)

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В категории материалов: 147
Показано материалов: 51-100
Страницы: « 1 2 3 »

Название Описание
UnitInRange Returns whether a party/raid member is nearby.
UnitInRaid Returns whether a unit is in the player's raid.
UnitInParty Returns whether a unit is a player unit in the player's party.
UnitInBattleground Returns whether a unit is in same battleground instance as the player.
UnitHealthMax Returns a unit's maximum health value.
UnitHealth Returns a unit's current amount of health.
UnitHasRelicSlot Returns whether a unit has a relic slot instead of a ranged weapon slot.
UnitGroupRolesAssigned Returns information about a unit's role in a LFD party.
UnitGetGuildXP Returns information about a unit's guild experience.
UnitGUID Returns a unit's globally unique identifier.
UnitFactionGroup Returns a unit's primary faction allegiance.
UnitExists Returns whether a unit exists.
UnitDebuff Returns information about a debuff on a unit.
UnitCreatureType Returns the creature type of a unit.
UnitCreatureFamily Returns the creature family of the unit.
UnitClassification Returns a unit's classification.
UnitClassBase Returns a unit's class.
UnitClass Returns a unit's class.
UnitChannelInfo Returns information about the spell a unit is currently channeling.
UnitCastingInfo Returns information about the spell a unit is currently casting.
UnitCanCooperate Returns whether two units can cooperate.
UnitCanAttack Returns whether one unit can attack another.
UnitCanAssist Returns whether one unit can assist another.
UnitBuff Returns information about a buff on a unit.
UnitAura Returns information about buffs/debuffs on a unit.
UnitAlternatePowerInfo Returns information about a unit's alternate power display.
UnitAffectingCombat Returns whether a unit is currently in combat.
SetPortraitTexture Sets a Texture object to show a portrait of a unit.
IsUnitOnQuest Returns whether a unit is on one of the quests in the player's quest log.
IsIgnoredOrMuted Returns whether a unit can be heard due to ignored/muted status.
GetUnitSpeed Returns a unit's current speed.
GetUnitName Returns a string summarizing a unit's name and server.
GetPlayerInfoByGUID Returns information about a player character identified by globally unique identifier.
GetMuteStatus Returns whether a character is muted or silenced.
CheckInteractDistance Returns whether the player is close enough to a unit for certain types of interaction.
UnitOnTaxi Returns whether a unit is currently riding a flight path (taxi)
UnitChannelInfo Returns information about the spell a unit is currently channeling.
UnitCastingInfo Returns information about the spell a unit is currently casting.
UnitSetRole Sets a unit's role in the group or raid.
UnitPlayerOrPetInRaid Returns whether a unit is in the player's raid or belongs to a raid member.
UnitIsRaidOfficer Returns whether a unit is a raid assistant in the player's raid.
UnitIsPartyLeader Returns whether a unit is the leader of the player's party.
UnitInRaid Returns whether a unit is in the player's raid.
UnitGroupRolesAssigned Returns information about a unit's role in a LFD party.
IsUnitOnQuest Returns whether a unit is on one of the quests in the player's quest log.
UnitPVPRank Returns a unit's PVP rank as a number.
UnitIsPVPSanctuary Returns whether a unit is in a Sanctuary area preventing PvP activity.
UnitIsPVPFreeForAll Returns whether a unit is flagged for free-for-all PvP.
GetUnitSpeed Returns a unit's current speed.
UnitSetRole Sets a unit's role in the group or raid.

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