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Посылает сообщение в чате
SendChatMessage("text" [, "chatType" [, "language" [, "channel"]]])


text - Message to be sent (up to 255 characters) (string)

chatType - Channel on which to send the message (defaults to SAY if omitted) (string)
BATTLEGROUND - Messages to a battleground raid group (sent with /bg in the default UI)
CHANNEL - Message to a server or custom chat channel (sent with /1, /2, etc in the default UI); requires channel number for channel argument
DND - Enables Away-From-Keyboard status for the player, with text as the custom message seen by others attempting to whisper the player
EMOTE - Custom text emotes visible to nearby players (sent with /e in the default UI)
GUILD - Messages to guild members (sent with /g in the default UI)
OFFICER - Messages to guild officers (sent with /o in the default UI)
PARTY - Messages to party members (sent with /p in the default UI)
RAID - Messages to raid members (sent with /ra in the default UI)
RAID_WARNING - Warning to raid members (sent with /rw in the default UI)
SAY - Speech to nearby players (sent with /s in the default UI)
WHISPER - Message to a specific character (sent with /w in the default UI); requires name of the character for channel argument
YELL - Yell to not-so-nearby players (sent with /y in the default UI)

language - Language in which to send the message; defaults to Common (for Alliance players) or Orcish (for Horde players) if omitted (string)
COMMON - Alliance and Human language
DARNASSIAN - Night Elf Language
DRAENEI - Draenei Language
DWARVEN - Dwarf Language
GNOMISH - Gnome language
GUTTERSPEAK - Undead language
ORCISH - Horde and Orc Language
TAURAHE - Tauren Language
THALASSIAN - Night Elf Language
TROLL - Troll language

channel - If chatType is WHISPER, name of the target character; if chatType is CHANNEL, number identifying the target channel; ignored otherwise (string)

Также смотрите: Чат