Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay before its progress begins.
Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay before its progress begins. Start delays can be useful with concurrent animations in a group: see example for details.
delay - Amount of time for the animation to delay before its progress begins (in seconds) (number)
Examples: local group = PlayerPortrait:CreateAnimationGroup() local embiggen = group:CreateAnimation("Scale") embiggen:SetDuration(0.5) embiggen:SetOrder(1) embiggen:SetScale(2,2) local rotate = group:CreateAnimation("Rotation") rotate:SetDuration(1) rotate:SetOrder(1) rotate:SetDegrees(720) local shrink = group:CreateAnimation("Scale") shrink:SetDuration(0.5) shrink:SetOrder(1) shrink:SetStartDelay(0.5) shrink:SetScale(0.5, 0.5)
-- causes the player portrait to spin while expanding and contracting group:Play()