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Название Описание
GetItemCooldown Returns cooldown information about an arbitrary item.
GetExtendedItemInfo This function is deprecated and should no longer be used.
EquipPendingItem Confirms equipping a bind-on-equip item.
EquipItemByName Attempts to equip an arbitrary item.
EndRefund Confirms taking an action which renders a purchased item non-refundable.
EndBoundTradeable Confirms taking an action which renders a looted Bind on Pickup item non-tradeable.
DeleteCursorItem Destroys the item on the cursor.
CursorHasItem Returns whether an item belonging to the player is on the cursor.
ConfirmBindOnUse Confirms using an item, if using the item causes it to become soulbound.
CancelPendingEquip Cancels equipping a bind-on-equip item.
BindEnchant Confirms enchanting an item (when the item will become soulbound as a result)
ItemTextPrevPage Moves to the previous page in the currently viewed text item.
ItemTextNextPage Moves to the next page in the currently viewed text item.
ItemTextHasNextPage Returns whether the currently viewed text item has additional pages.
ItemTextGetText Returns the text of the currently viewed text item.
ItemTextGetPage Returns the current page number in the currently viewed text item.
ItemTextGetMaterial Returns display style information for the currently viewed text item.
ItemTextGetItem Returns the name of the currently viewed text item.
ItemTextGetCreator Returns the original author of the currently viewed text item.
CloseItemText Ends interaction with a text object or item.
UseInventoryItem Activate (as with right-clicking) an equipped item.
UpdateInventoryAlertStatus This is a Blizzard internal function.
SocketInventoryItem Opens an equipped item for socketing.
SetInventoryPortraitTexture Sets a Texture object to display the icon of an equipped item.
PickupInventoryItem Picks up an item from or puts an item into an equipment slot.
IsInventoryItemLocked Returns whether an inventory slot is locked.
IsEquippedItemType Returns whether any items of a given type are currently equipped.
IsEquippedItem Returns whether an item is currently equipped.
GetInventorySlotInfo Returns information about an inventory slot.
GetInventoryItemsForSlot Returns a list of items that can be equipped in a given inventory slot.
GetInventoryItemTexture Returns the icon texture for an equipped item.
GetInventoryItemQuality Returns the quality level of an equipped item.
GetInventoryItemLink Returns an item link for an item in the unit's inventory.
GetInventoryItemID Returns the item ID of an equipped item.
GetInventoryItemGems Returns the gems socketed in an equipped item.
GetInventoryItemDurability Returns the current durability level of an equipped item.
GetInventoryItemCount Returns the number of items stacked in an inventory slot.
GetInventoryItemCooldown Returns cooldown information about an equipped item.
GetInventoryItemBroken Returns whether an equipped item is broken.
GetInventoryAlertStatus Returns the durability warning status of an equipped item.
EquipmentManager_UnpackLocation Unpacks an inventory location bitfield into usable components.
EquipPendingItem Confirms equipping a bind-on-equip item.
EquipItemByName Attempts to equip an arbitrary item.
EquipCursorItem Puts the item on the cursor into a specific equipment slot.
CursorCanGoInSlot Returns whether the item on the cursor can be equipped in an inventory slot.
ContainerIDToInventoryID Returns the [[docs/api_types#inventoryID`inventoryID`]] corresponding to a given [[docs/api_types#containerID`containerID`]]
CancelPendingEquip Cancels equipping a bind-on-equip item.
BankButtonIDToInvSlotID Returns the [[docs/api_types#inventoryID`inventoryID`]] corresponding to a bank item or bag slot.
AutoEquipCursorItem Equips the item on the cursor.
SetRaidDifficulty Sets the player's raid dungeon difficulty preference.